by NOC Desk | Feb 5, 2020 | Business, Maintenance, managed services, Remote Support, Small Business
You’re Never Too Small to Outsource Small business owners are proud of getting everything done with few people. Every team member wears many hats. They are part of a family, devoted to the firm’s success. But that doesn’t make them qualified to handle IT. Really,...
by NOC Desk | Jan 7, 2020 | Business, Maintenance, managed services, Small Business
Do You Copy? What Can Go Wrong with BCC Try to find someone who has not “replied all” when meaning to send to only one individual. It’s embarrassing and can aggravate those people with more emails flooding their box. Another common email gaffe is misusing...
by NOC Desk | Oct 25, 2019 | Maintenance, managed services, Small Business, Tips, Uncategorized
Security Patches — The Better Way to Update Security Patches — The Better Way to Update Updates often come at the worst moment. You go to shut down your laptop to rush to a meeting, and you get a “Windows is updating. Do not power off” message. Argh! Or you leave...
by NOC Desk | Oct 9, 2019 | Business, Disaster Recovery, managed services, Security, Small Business
The Dark Web and Its Impact on Your Business Business owners today know the internet is not only a force for good. Some people exploit the Web for ill intent. They congregate on the Dark Web, and small businesses need to understand the risks. What is the Dark Web? You...
by NOC Desk | Sep 24, 2019 | Business, managed services, Security, Small Business, Tips
Making Technology Another Target for Continuous Improvement Your business likely talks a lot about continuous improvement. It’s everyone’s goal, right? Yet “set it and forget it” is a common approach to handling business technology....
by NOC Desk | Sep 9, 2019 | Business, Cloud, Maintenance, Small Business
To Backup or To Archive? ’Tis The Question Hamlet worried about whether to be or not. You may be more preoccupied with whether backup or archiving is better for your business. You know you need to secure your data, but how? This article examines the different benefits...